Tuesday, 3 June 2008

3rd June 2008

I have just returned from a week in Zante,one of the many Greek Islands,the weather was exceptional even for them with wall to wall sunshine. John looked after my plants and greenhouses and as usual did a very good job.
Before I went I stopped the remaining Olwyn family as suggested by Dr Machins system. I also stopped 1 Hesketh Knight and 1 Sam Vinter.Half of the Shirley Sunburst were stopped on the 24th May whilst the other half will be stopped on June 13th.
I gave Harry Revill and David McNamara a spray with grow slow to see if I can keep them a little shorter this year.
When I got home on Sunday I stopped half the Kay Woolman and all the David Mc
Today I made a contraption for blacking out my plants that I will be using for hybridising. They need to be blacked out for a minimum of 6 weeks from 6 at night to 8 the following morning to make them think that the day length has shortened and therefore bring them into flower.


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