Monday, 17 March 2008

17th March 2008

The last of the cuttings have gone into the 31/2" pots so that gives me 269. The Luxfords that I got from Mick Graves are ready for potting on into 5" so I will mix some compost sometime this week.
The bags of chrysant compost have just arrived so i'll have to give him a hand to get them off the lorry. 120 bags in all.

The N.C.S. A.G.M. went off very smoothly. A couple of interesting suggestion were made
1) Reclassifying some of the old varieties to c that are too small to compete and then introducing classes for them at the National. This may hopefully encourage growers to grow some of the older cultivars.
2) Introducing a class at the National for 1 bloom from 6 different Sections staged in seperate vases.

Peter Fawcett took lots of pictures at the Dinner and Dance so if he can fathom out how to send them to me I will hopefully have some on the diary next week.


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