Tuesday, 22 April 2008

21st April 2008

I mixed some more soil for the 5", 2 bushels to be precise. If you remember I was going to use Ivor Mace's mixture but in the end I mixed Wallace Brook's
Today I potted up the cuttings that were potted into 31/2 on 25/2. This gives me a total of exactly 100 lates in 5".
I can't seem to get rid of the greenfly by using Derris Plus so I bought some Provado systemic this weekend to see if this will cure the problem.
This weekend I stopped my 3 Harry Tolly as well as Joyce Frieda.
We have have had no sun at all this week as well as being very cold so the watering can has not seen the light of day. We are beginning to need some sunshine for both the plants and me.
Harrogate Spring Show takes place this Thursday to Sunday we have amassed nearly 2500 plants for sale so if you get the opportunity do call into see us I am sure that you will find something that you want.


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