Monday, 31 March 2008

31st March 2008

Another relatively quiet week this week. I have just potted up into 51/2" pots the Luxfords.I had 10 so I have potted up 8 as I shall need only 6 for the finals. I have given them the extra 1/2" so that they wont want potting into finals until the middle of May.

Tomorrow I will be stopping Masons Bronze and Mundials and on Wednesday it will be William Turner.

I have just been reading the 2007 Yearbook and in particular the article by Ian Rankine. In it he was concerned about the fact that even though he stopped the Wingfield family on diferent dates they all seemed to flower at the same time. So in 2005 when they were due for stopping he stopped them at 14 leaves and they flowered at intervals that he wanted. I did the same on Sunday stopping half of the 4 varieties that I grow with the rest been stopped on April 5th.
When I have finished the diary I am going to give them all a spray for greenfly as I have noticed an odd one about.


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