Tuesday, 20 May 2008

19th May 2008

Picked up the North West Counties schedule last Tuesday in readiness for the meeting on Wednesday. I also had a run over to see Mick Graves on the same day. His stuff looks very strong, I took the opportunity of getting 3 Luxfords off him as some of mine don't seem to have made any root even though they have been in the 5" since 31/3.

Since I wrote last time I have stopped the 4 Bill Holden that I am growing as lates on 1 stop. I did them on May 9th as it would have been his birthday that day. He would have been 98. I am growing 4 with 2 stops and 2 with a natural break as well as 6 as earlies.
I also stopped Primrose Charles Tandy, Trident, 1 Hesketh Knight and 1 Sam Vinter on May 10th. On May 13th I stopped my Liverpool Festival.
I have potted up into finals 4 different colours of the Wingfield family and when I have finished the Diary I am going to pot on Luxford Liverpool Festival and Trident.
Last Saturday Sowerby Bridge held their plant sale on the market and we did very well raising nearly £100 it all helps in this day and age when everything keeps going up.
Just to finish by saying that the Steptocarpus seeds are just showing whilst nothing can be seen of the Lilies or the Auriculars.


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