Wednesday, 12 March 2008

10th March 2008

Sowerby Bridge had there A.G.M. last week and as at all the other Societies the Committees remain the same.Philip Partington fetched some unrooted lates for me to root for Harrogate so Ive know got 250 to take. In total we are up to 1500 to sell. At our A.G.M. I also took orders for Singletons Chrysant soil. It is excellent stuff and is made specifically for Chrysants.

The winds of the previous weekend took out 3 panes of glass but so far the promised bad weather has not done any damage this time.

I have done a swap with Ken Harrop this week. I have sent him some unrooted cuttings of Woolman Venture in return for some Kay Woolman.
Today I potted on the 6/2 cuttings and also took another 40 Spray cuttings.

This weekend sees the N.C.S. annual general meeting at Stoke on Trent. It is my first visit so I am quite looking forward to it.

The latest news about the N.C.S web page is that it has been taken over by Paul Barlow again with John Peace overseeing and Harry Lawson doing the photos. Terry Porter will be looking on from afar. If its anything like his own Web Site it will be very good.


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