18th February 2008
Hi folks
Another installment of the diary. I was away in Portugal last week so Roger looked after my stuff for me. Today I finished taking my Late cuttings but I still have to take my Sprays. I have some Earlies that I will be taking in the 1st week in March for sale at Harrogate Spring Show.
I potted up all the cuttings that I took on January 9th and 16th today so the greenhouse is starting to look interesting again with 110 already done. A bushel will do 120 so I have just a little left before I need to mix a second and final bushel. I spray them every morning but I must admit that I let them droop before I give them a good drink. The 3 slides show that 1) I leave a mound in the centre of the pot 2) The roots fall down around the mound and 3) The length of the roots when I pot them on.

Another installment of the diary. I was away in Portugal last week so Roger looked after my stuff for me. Today I finished taking my Late cuttings but I still have to take my Sprays. I have some Earlies that I will be taking in the 1st week in March for sale at Harrogate Spring Show.
I potted up all the cuttings that I took on January 9th and 16th today so the greenhouse is starting to look interesting again with 110 already done. A bushel will do 120 so I have just a little left before I need to mix a second and final bushel. I spray them every morning but I must admit that I let them droop before I give them a good drink. The 3 slides show that 1) I leave a mound in the centre of the pot 2) The roots fall down around the mound and 3) The length of the roots when I pot them on.

This Saturday I am going to Scunthorpe to listen to John Neville. If you are interested in going give Mick Graves a ring on 01652655722 for details. I will also be fetching back with me 60 cuttings of Harry Tolly as it is our Seedling of the Year. Each of our members takes 3 so we will see what they make of them.
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