Wednesday, 8 December 2010

8th December 2010

Moved some of the pots into the greenhouse.

I hope that the very low temperatures have not done too much damage to the ones that are still outside.

I have put some staging down one side of the greenhouse and I hope to get the propagating bench up and running next week. Once I get going I will knock the soil off the stools and then replant them on the soil warming bench. I will use riddled soil from last years plants with a handful of John Innes Base mixed in.

Hopefully I should have some cuttings by the middle of January.

If Ken McDean is reading this I haven't forgotten your stool of Bryony Wade.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Dave

Just looked at your snow pictures of plants, we also have had it pretty bad but thankfully all my stock (Yours originally last year) have been under fleece in my greenhouse, so if you have any problem varieties for cuttings please let me know

Kind regards


15 December 2010 at 22:27  

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