Thursday, 4 November 2010

4th November 2010

Sunday 18th September saw my lad Andrew putting up a greenhouse on my standing ground. It takes a lot of my reflexes namely 32 plants including Patricia Millar, Olwyn and Amber, John Wingfield and Millie Matthews.

It was the North West Counties early show on Wednesday 22nd of September at the new venue Denton Working Mens Club.Everthing went very smoothly. The entries were down a little but that has to be expected. Len Whitehouse won the Silver with his 5x5's of medium reflex whilst KenMcDean won the Bronze with an extremely good vase of Joyce Frieda.

I judged the Dukinfield Bar Top on Wednesday October 6th Again there were some nice flowers I think as it was a bit dark. Len Whitehouse won the best vase with some Best Man sprays.

The following evening I took John Swift with me to Hull for their Bar Top show. Again there were plenty of flowers to be judged. These shows are very popular as a prelude to the main season shows.
On the Saturday Trish and I went to Harrogate for the Dinner to honour Robin Holmes for his service to the Northern Group. There was in excess of 50 people with Gerald Avison proposing the toast.
We held our pre show meeting on the following Wednesday.
On the Thursday I took John and Mike Bottomley( a new grower) to Scunthorpe for their Bar Top. I judged it with Cliff Widdowson. One of the good things about these shows is that the judge explains to the exhibitors the reasons for his decisions. I can never understand though why exhibitor does not have his own judging book.
Trish and I went to Otley on Monday to look at one of our novice growers plants. They were quite good considering that they have only been growing for a couple of years.
It was our Bar Top on Wednesday with an attendance of 38 people we ran out of pie and peas. Angie Seymour won the best vase and everybody enjoyed themselves.
The following day I gave a power point presentation to the local Stoma Society using the projector that I had borrowed from the Northern Group.
Friday night Trish and I set off for Southport with 8 Kay Woolman to see if I could repeat the Silver Medal feat of last year. We stay in a hotel after staging and make a night of it by having a few drinks and a nice meal. The effort was rewarded with the Silver Medal. There should be a picture of them ( 5 ) somewhere.
Sunday 31st October was the Chester Millenium show where we regained the Society Cup.We were the only Society in it but you don't know that when you enter. It was a good entry and would have held its own in a competition. My personal vase of Olwyn came third. There are less and less entries each year I don't know why.
I am typing this just before I am setting off for Stafford so I will let you know the results later...


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