Saturday, 8 May 2010

4th May 2010

Thursday April 22nd found me at Harrogate Spring show, helping to sell cuttings for the Northern Group to supplement our income. We did very well, and sold over £600 worth.
On Sunday 25th of April Trish and I went to Harrogate to look round the show. They had four good days of sunshine with only one downpour which was late on Sunday. Our stall, by then, had sold out.
On Wednesday the 28th I sprayed with Amistar, as part of my programme for White Rust. I put a first stop on Byrony Wade on the first and as of now, they are that along with Roy Coopland and Pauline White, are the only three cultivars that I stopped so far. I have potted up 130 into 5 inch, and they fill 3 frames and the 2nd green house. All the Chrysanths that were in 3 1/2 inch, prior to the 10th of March, are now in 5 inch pots. I still have 40 odd to go. However, all the plants are looking very very well. And I knocked out an Olwyn, and it won't be long before it's ready for it's finals.


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