Friday, 17 September 2010

16th September 2010

Been away in Santorini [ Greek Island ] last week. Fantastic weather all week spent most of our time around the pool. However the plane was 6 1/2 hours late so didn't get to bed till 5.30 on Wednesday morning got up to driving rain and gale force winds. Two of the rows were nearly flat so i spent the next hour hammering stakes in to keep them upright.
The earlies in the greenhouse had spotted with the damp atmosphere whilst some of the Liverpool Festivals were brown. I must remember next year not to feed them at all. Why I fed them at all i do not know as in previous years i get my best flowers from ones that have not been fed at all!!!
Some of the Amber Olwyn are showing colour so they have been put in the greenhouse. Today I will wash their pots in Jeyes Fluid, re cane them and give them a teaspoon of Potash before putting them back in the greenhouse.
The fun really starts in the next few weeks and we will soon see the results of our efforts...


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