Saturday, 27 February 2010

24th February 2010

Got back from Portugal on Sunday after been delayed for 4 hours because of the snow at Leeds/Bradford. It rained every day and was cold up until the Friday. However it was a change and Trish had a good rest from school.

Roger came on Wednesday just to make sure everything was okay. Which it was.
Yesterday I started potting into 3 1/2 pots using the soil that I had mixed at Keith Atkinsons a couple of weeks ago. I put the pots into soak on Monday so that they were fully charged.

I potted up the following:-
3 Kay Woolman
4 John Hughes
5 Cream John Hughes
6 Bill Holden
6 Rose Pat Millar
4 Cerise Pat Millar
12 Olwyn
7 Amber Olwyn
7 Sefton
11 Roy Coopland
2 Primrose Charles Tandy
6 Grace Holden

A total of 67

I took the cuttings that I had put to root on January 25 off the soil heating cable in preparation for potting them on next week. They also got a spray of B9.
Tonight it is the A G M of the North West Counties


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