Monday, 1 February 2010

1st February 2010

Another 72 cuttings taken today namely Kay Woolman, John Hughes, Bill Holden, Olwyn, Amber Olwyn, Roy Coopland, Primrose Charles Tandy, Pauline White, Grace Holden, and Liverpool Festival.

The cuttings that I took on January 6th seem to have rooted as I am getting resistance when I gently pull them.
Last Thursday I went over to Keith Atkinsons to mix my soil for the 31/2 inch pots. He has a cement mixture so apart from it been easier it also mixes better. I use 2 parts Sterilised Loam 2 parts Peat and 1 part 4mm Grit. To this I add 4oz Calcified Seaweed 2oz Vitax Q4 and 2oz Antagon to a bushel (8 gallon). A bushel will pot up 120 into 31/2 inch pots.

Whilst I was there I picked up the Antagon that he had picked up for me from the guy in Southport who sells it.

The Northern Group have their last event of the winter at Scunthorpe on saturday. It is Ronnie Aldous talking on lates. It starts at 1.30 and finishes at 5.30. There is a buffet with a charge of £4.00.


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