20th July 2009
After saying last time that I had no slug/snail damage, I was a little premature as a few of the Wingfield family have been attacked. I have gone out at night with my torch and found a few crawling up the Wingfield. Since then I have put 3/4 slug pellets in the pot and hopefully I have sorted the problem out as each pot seems to have a dead slug or snail in it. I have continued to top dress, namely Olwyn, Candy Wingfield, Woolmans Venture, David Macnamara, Primrose Charles Tandy and Shirley Sunburst. They have had 2 handfuls of Singletons chrysanthemum mixture. Roy Coopland had been top dressed with half B&Q multi purpose and half Singletons, whilst the Hughes family have been top dressed with the mole hill mix that I use for potting. I used to top dress them willy nilly but after listening to a talk by Rodger Brownbridge he suggested that you top dressed them 6 weeks before you secure the bud, and that is what I have done for the last 2-3 years.
I have taken Shirly Sunburst to 3, Hesketh Knight to 3, John Hughes to 3, Bill Holden to 7, Woolmans Venture to 5, Kay Woolman to 4, Roy Coopland to 3 and Grace Holden to 3. I have started feeding Amber Olwyn, Mundial, Baltic Amber, the rest of the Kay Woolman, Shirley Sunburst, The Hughes Family, 1 Woolmans Venture, Primrose Charles Tandy, The rest of the Shirley Sunbursts and Jimmy Tranter. All with a 20-20-20 chempak 1/3 strength, every watering. The Roy Coopland I am feeding with Miracle grow once a week, and the Liverpool Festivals a dry feed once a week.
Today I have been around tying up the laterals and it won't be long until the Wingfields and cracking, and therefore into the Green house. As I said last time, I am getting quite excited as the plants are looking very good. Tonight I will spray with Rose Clear for white rust, and Decis for caterpillar and aphids.
Yesterday (Saturday) I went to Wem for the National Sweet Pea Society show, and the photograph shows the best in show entry. Wednesday I am going to Tatton Park, hopefully handing out leaflets for the NCS and if you are there, come along and have a chat.

I have taken Shirly Sunburst to 3, Hesketh Knight to 3, John Hughes to 3, Bill Holden to 7, Woolmans Venture to 5, Kay Woolman to 4, Roy Coopland to 3 and Grace Holden to 3. I have started feeding Amber Olwyn, Mundial, Baltic Amber, the rest of the Kay Woolman, Shirley Sunburst, The Hughes Family, 1 Woolmans Venture, Primrose Charles Tandy, The rest of the Shirley Sunbursts and Jimmy Tranter. All with a 20-20-20 chempak 1/3 strength, every watering. The Roy Coopland I am feeding with Miracle grow once a week, and the Liverpool Festivals a dry feed once a week.
Today I have been around tying up the laterals and it won't be long until the Wingfields and cracking, and therefore into the Green house. As I said last time, I am getting quite excited as the plants are looking very good. Tonight I will spray with Rose Clear for white rust, and Decis for caterpillar and aphids.
Yesterday (Saturday) I went to Wem for the National Sweet Pea Society show, and the photograph shows the best in show entry. Wednesday I am going to Tatton Park, hopefully handing out leaflets for the NCS and if you are there, come along and have a chat.

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