Tuesday, 26 May 2009

26th May 2009

I missed last weeks diary as my webmaster was on holiday for the week.
I'm coming along quite nicely and am starting to do a few bits and pieces. With the help of Trish I have potted up 24 of the Wingfield family. I start chemotherapy today for 24 weeks so I am a little apprehensive as to what effect it might have on me.

Keith came over again last week and quickly potted on another 20 plants so things are going to plan. Since I last wrote I have stopped the following.
Hesketh Knight - May 10th
Liverpool Festival - May 13th
Trident (2) - May 17th
Hughes - May 20th
Trident (1) - May 24th
Shirley Sunburst - May 25th

Yesterday I lined out the Wingfields and Adam and Andrew drove in the poles for the straining wires.

Last Saturday we were already for our market stall where we usually make £100 for the Sowerby Bridge Society only to find that when we got down there at 7.45 there were no stalls left. We are trying again this week.

As part of my spraying programme to stop white rust I sprayed with Systhane yesterday and will do them again in 2 weeks with Roseclear.

The two pictures this week show the root system in the 5inch pot that is ready for for the finals. If yours have been in the same pots for more than 6 weeks I would suggest that you give them a half strength balanced feed to keep them going. When you knock them out make sure that they are wet enough so that the roots are not damaged. In addition make sure that the final pots are fully charged with water before you pot them on.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Dave

Hope you received my email last week, great your site is now back, really worried that the up-date was late as I'm following your tips weekly, having said that it's great to think you are thinking of others writing for your site when you have more important things to think of, YOUR HEALTH MUST COME FIRST!

Get well ASAP, like I said last week, happy for you and Trish to come to Sussex for a stay of recuperation, you could keeep your hand in by comments on my plants!

All the best,


26 May 2009 at 23:15  

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