Friday, 12 June 2009

11th June 2009

Another week gone by and I am slowly getting the chrysants potted up. This week I did
Shirley Sunburst 2
Bill Holden 1
Woolmans Venture 1
Candy Wingfield 4
Jimmy Tranter 3
Primrose Charles Tandy 4
Roy Coopland 1
Grace Holden 3
Liverpool Festival 5

I put a second stop on Roy Coopland, Masons Bronze, Mundial, Bill Holden, and Baltic Amber.

I sprayed this week with Roseclear as part of my spraying programme.

Mick Graves and his mate Pete Booker came over on Friday and cleared the standing ground in preparation for the chrysants so hopefully the next time I write they will all be stood out

I went to the G P meeting of the Northern Group on Saturday. We made in excess of £2200 with the selling of the plants and the awards that we got for the display.


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