Tuesday, 2 June 2009

1st June 2009

Stopped 5 different varieties this last week. Namely Jimmy Tranter and Woolmans Venture on the 31st and Kay Woolman Yellow, Kay Woolman and David McNamara on the 1st of June.
Potted up the following
Hughes family into a more peaty soil than the rest: Its been a 3 2 1 mix
Shirley Sunburst 1
Kay Woolman 3
Roy Coopland 5
Mundial 3
Baltic Amber 2

Only 25 to go. The pictures this week show before and after Andrew and Adam took the greenhouse down to enable me to sort out the standing ground.

On a health note, the chemo last Tuesday doesn't appear to have had an adverse effect on me and I will be able to drive again from Thursday.


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