Monday, 30 March 2009

30th March 2009

Went to the inner circle meeting of the Northern Group last Saturday. Not a lot to report.

I potted up the Sprays that I got from Vin Aldred on Sunday . That's only 16 days since I put them into root. They look nice little plants and hopefully they will have grown a little more by April 23rd that the first day of Harrogate Spring show.
I also started potting into 5" yesterday. I potted on 2 Shirley Sunburst 4 Amber Olwyn 6 Hesketh Knight and 6 Grace Holden. They will go into the cold fames later in the week.

This morning I continued with my spraying programme by spraying them with Systhane. Thats 2 weeks after they were sprayed with Amistar.
This Saturday I am going to Scunthorpe to listen to Brian Powell (Scarborough) give a talk on Earlies. It's at Broughton Village Hall and if you want to go and want directions give Mick Graves a ring on 01652 655722.


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