Monday, 16 March 2009

16th March 2009

Last Friday I did a 200 mile round trip to pick up and drop off cuttings for the stall at Harrogate Spring show.
I firstly went to Vin Aldreds for some sprays. He had 15 varietes already bagged up and named for me. His set up is excellent, not a thing out of place.
From there I drove to Mick Graves at Broughton and left him 100 of the sprays for Brian Harrison to root and grow on. I picked up some Luxfords for Barry Hogg and some carnations for Neil Pead.
After bacon sandwiches, scones and a pot of tea it was onto to Barry Hoggs at Woodlands near Doncaster.
A cup of tea and some cake awaited me.After looking at his daffs and dropping of his Luxfords and 100 spray cuttings it was homeward bound.
On arriving home I prided myself on a good day only to find that I hadn,t left him his sprays so it was a quick trip to the post office.They arrived on Saturday morning.
John Swift took 100 of the remainder whilst I put 50 into root.
Just waiting for John Peace's to arrive next week and then we should have enough.
I potted up some more this morning and sprayed with Amistar. I only realised later on that I got the strength wrong I put 5ml to a litre instead of 1ml to a litre, so I quickly went and washed it off.
Only a few left to pot into 31/2" and in fact it will probably only another couple of weeks before some will be going into 5". I have knocked an odd one out and the roots are going around quite nicely.

I don't know whether the picture shows it but the plants are looking very well.
This weekend is the NCS annual general meeting at Bournmouth so Trish and I are flying down from Leeds/ Bradford on Friday teatime and coming back on Sunday night. I hope it will be a good do and I will report back next Monday...


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