Tuesday, 17 February 2009

16th February 2009

I have taken some cuttings of Cornetto, Joyce Frieda, Liverpool Festival, Sprays and Cushion Mums.
I went with Alan Smith to see Barry Bickerdyke on Friday to pick up my Wingfields. I judge Dukinfields Bar Top for them and in return Barry gives me the cuttings. I think that I get the best side of the bargain.

We think that we are having problems with the weather so I would just like you to read the e-mail that Alvon Dormer( Chairman of the Canadian Chrysant Society) sent me last week and then decide the best place to be...

Hello Dave,
I have been looking at the news and seeing the weather that you have been having. Welcome to the club!
This week our day temperatures have been -15C and night time as low as -35C I have four feet of snow on the garden and the path to my greenhouse is a skating rink.
My greenhouse is divided into two parts one which is heated by a propane fire and I have a hot water boiler that feeds a pipework under the bench. This comes on twice a day for three hours and generally takes four hours to cool. Thursday night it got so cold that the forty five gallon tank cooled rather quickly and the pump froze up.

When the system restarted, the pipe to the pump burst and all the water was lost. Of course the heating element carried on and that burnt out. I went in the greenhouse Friday morning and slipped all over the place on the ice. Took me all day Friday to fix the problem and replace theelement. I am leaving the pump on all the time to preventsimilar mishaps. I think all the stools have perished and I am going to have to beg borrow or steal replacement stock. I did move into the house some stools in January and they are scattered about the house. The wife is not pleased in having 10" pots all over the place. Sometimes I think of having a less stressful hobby like lion taming or crocodile wrestling.

I did bring back with me a lot of cuttings of various varieties and these were propagated on my bench in the back room under lights. These are doing quite well along with my lates that were struck in Januaryso all is not lost. This week the forcast is to warm up to-5C for a few days before plunging again. I was going to go on holiday for a couple of weeks but I'll have to pay the heating bills first or declare bankruptcy. I would like to lend you my snow shovel but I think I will still need it for a while.
On a more serious note, I have been active for the society in canvassing and speaking at various meetings and we have increased our membership most of whomwant to grow chryanths. We have also arranged with the school boards to lecture at the high schools in the vain hope that some youngsters might see an interest in growing. The web site is being kept up to date and is being well recieved and is attracting new members also, so we are slowly growing. That's enough bad news for the moment, so I will write again soon and give you a sequel.
Best wishes, Al Dormer


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