Monday, 9 February 2009

9th February 2009

Not a lot going on last week. No cuttings taken, no potting on done only washing pots.
On Sunday I went to Ossett for the Northern Group all day event. The speakers were Vin Aldred, John Nevill and a double act involving Roger Brownbridge and Peter Fawcett all very interesting.
John Neville made me think about trying to breed some again whilst Vin Aldred awakened my interest in growing Sprays again.

I'm sat here writing this whilst awaiting the delivery of compost from Singletons...


Blogger ALAN JEFFRIES said...

Hi Dave

I have to say its great to be back in the UK, after approx 4 weeks away in Langkawi (Malaysia) I have missed reading your site, no cuttings yet taken here but a good few ready, so hope to catch up.

Any chance you could sell me a few of your spares, say 2 of each plus will pay postage & packaging, your varieties are so different from currently growing!

Lookforward to the next site update



18 February 2009 at 02:02  

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