Thursday, 15 January 2009

12th January 2009

Not a lot happening with light levels very low there is very little growth so I probably won't be taking any cuttings this week.
I have completed washing my 31/2 pots 270 in all.
I went across to Keith Atkinsons on Friday to borrow his cement mixer so that I can mix my soil for the 31/2 and 5.

My mix is as follows
5 Sterilised Loam
2 Peat
1 Grit 4mm to which is added 4oz Calcified Seaweed 2 oz Vitax Q4 2oz Antagon to a bushel. or 2oz John Innes Base 2oz Fish Blood and Bone 4oz Seagold

The above mix is for 31/2 pots
A bushel is 8 gallons and will do 120 pots.

A Northern Group event takes place this Saturday 17th January at Hull 1 til 5 tickets are £4 with sandwich buffet with the price of the ticket.The speaker is Paul Barlow from Aberdeen. It should be a good afternoon.

I'm afraid that I have to finish on a sad note. Arnold Fitton died last week at 99. His funeral is on Friday in Middleton.


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