Monday, 22 December 2008

22nd December 2008

Hi everyone

I have just seen 1 Woolmans Venture poking its head through so things are moving.

That's about it for this year. Thanks for taking the time to read the diary it's good to get your comments, please keep them coming. The stats that I get every Monday suggest that I get just above 20 people reading it on a regular basis. If you have enjoyed reading the diary and looking at the photos please tell your mates as I would like to get upwards of 30 people next year.

Good growing for next year.

Thanks Adam for the hard work that you have put in to make it a success.

Happy Xmas Dave Holden


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Dave

Yours is a great site, right through the year loads of interesting tips on growing and some great photo's, please keep them coming and have a very good Christmas break!

25 December 2008 at 18:16  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Dave
Just found your site by chance and it looks great. I will be following it with great interest this year as I could use the tips. I have ordered some early's and late's from Frank Charlton to have a go with this year after just growing sprays in 2008.
I would like to take up Chrysanthemum growing as I can remember my father and his fellow miners growing and showing them in our local village show.

1 January 2009 at 17:48  

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