Sunday, 23 October 2011

19th October 2011

There are some photos this week - in the photo section. The first two or three are of Max Riley at a horticultural show near Launceston on 13th August and on Peter Daniels' standing ground just across the road from the show. The other pictures I took this morning in my two greenhouses.
I am starting to feed my Florentines for the first time, 1/2 strength Chempak every 7days.

I went to Scunthorpe last Thursday and judged with Chris Simpkinson. Plenty of flowers and plenty of people. It was a good night with a particularly nice vase of Charles Tandy.

The next event on the calendar is our ( Sowerby Bridge ) Bar top on Tuesday October 25th at Ripponden Conservative Club. Staging is between 7 and 8. We have a raffle, a couple of quizzes and pie and peas that cost a couple of quid. If you are in the area do join us.

Before the show I will be at the North West Counties meeting on Wednesday just putting the finishing touches to the show on Tuesday 8th November.


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