Wednesday, 5 January 2011

5th Jan 2011

Still struggling for cuttings but have been helped out for stools by Glyn and Roger. Eric Swinton has offered to help me out with a few Bryony Wade so slow but sure I am getting there.I have just spotted a couple shoots of Kay Woolman popping their heads through the compost so things might be happening. I have rigged up a 40watt bulb above the cuttings to give them more light. I switch it on about 4.00 o'clock and off at 10.00.
I have just ordered 100 bags of Xants compost from Singletons for our members. I was quite surprised by the price increase from £3.60 two years ago to £4.95. Even so it is good stuff and 1 bag will do 13 into 9 inch pots.


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