Monday, 8 August 2011

8th August 2011

I know it's a long time since I did my diary but hopefully I will be able to do it once a week from now on.
Got all my earlies in the greenhouse, hopefully I may have a bloom or two for Sowerby Bridge Horticultural to challenge John in the 3 bloom class. My lates are looking very very good, just finished tying them all up as I am going to Cornwall for a week on Thursday.
John will be doing the necessary. Have spotted a few buds, primarily in Primrose Charles Tandy. The mediums that I got from Mick Graves are the best that I have grown and I have already taken the buds on Luxford, and will be taking the buds of Trident and Avon Lee in the next few days.
My Olwyn are the best plants that I have had for a long time, as them and Woolman Venture and Kay Woolman have tended to be nibbled by Capsid bug in the past.
I have continued my spraying programme of Sysphane, Amistar and Rose clear every two weeks and, as of this moment in time, I have seen no white rust.
All the plants have been top dressed and Florentine and Pat Miller are down to one stem on each of the two laterals.


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