Thursday, 7 April 2011

5th April 2011

All potted into 31/2 inch 180 of them. Knocked out some of the early ones and it will not be long before they will be ready for the 5 inch. I stopped Roy Coopland today as well as the Cerise Patricia Millar. Tomorrow I am going to Keith Atkinson's to mix the compost for the 5 inch. To each bushel ( 8 gallon ) I add 4 ounce John Innes Base 6 ounce Calcified Seaweed 2 ounce Antagon and 2 ounce Fish Blood and Bone. The components are the same as for the 31/2 i.e. 5 sterilised loam 2 peat and 1 4mm grit.
Last Wednesday was our A G M and apart from Peter Fawcett the Committee remained the same.


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