Tuesday, 15 March 2011

14th March 2011

I have potted up 98 lates and 23 earlies so far with another 29 lates to go.I am growing 9 of Roy Coopland,Kay Woolman ,Cerise Pat Millar,Olwyn,Japs. 8 of William Florentine 7 of Woolmans Venture 5 of Primrose Charles Tandy, Grace Holden, Clarksdale 3 of Sefton,Bill Holden and 2 of Sheila Coles,Fantasy, First Light and Masons Bronze. I hope that I will have then covered every eventuality for the George Wilson Trophy at the National.
For the first potting of the 9's I have potted up 14 and then pro rata for the others.
I intend to stop each variety at three different times with the hope that I get at least one correct.
Last week I wrote about my mixture for the 31/2 if you aren,t able to get hold of the soil or fertiliser John Innes no1 from your local garden centre will do just as well
I started my spraying programme last week( Saturday) against white rust by spraying with Roseclear 3.In 2 weeks I will spray with Amistar and 2 weeks later with Systhane.
The big event in the NCS calendar takes place this weekend at the Fernlea Hotel St Annes on Sea it been the AGM. Later in the evening is the Dinner and Dance with the presentation of the medals from last years National.
I don't think that I can make it as I am still recovering from my stoma bag reversal


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