Tuesday, 29 March 2011

28th March 2011

I didn't make the A.G.M. but apparently it went very well with everybody enjoying the event.
I have nearly finished potting into 31/2 with only 11 to go.
Since I last wrote I have Grow Slowed them to reduce the height and sprayed them with Amistar to stop White Rust.
Grow Slow was given at 5ml to 2 litres and Amistar at 2ml to 2 litres.
I had a run over to Mick Graves last week with Mike Bottomley and his stuff looks superb as usual.
Some of the plants that have been in the 31/2 since 23/2 may need a weak feed in a week or so so I will be keeping an eye on them.
Today I washed some more 9inch so slowly but surely I am working my way through them.


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