Tuesday, 29 September 2009

29th September 2009

The diary is back again!
I have been having problems with the pictures and as of now I have not solved it but hopefully will in the next few days.

The chemo is going okay I have 6 sessions left out of the original 24.

John Swift and I went to the Early National with an entry for the League Class more in hope than anticipation. We went on the Thursday night and spent a couple of hours there. It was nice to see big Harry sat there in his usual spot dressing some Wingfields.
There were 5 entries in the class and as it turned out we finished 4th just behind Doncaster. The 450 points out of 600 should hold us in good stead for the Nydd trophy which is awarded to the Society that gets most points in the Early and Late League classes combined.
Trish and I went down on the Sunday to have a look around the show. Generally the winners are the same as the previous year.
The following week we went to Harrogate and the Society marquee was jam packed. The chrysants were very good and if you haven't been before its well worth the effort as it is free entry if you belong to the N.C.S.
The following Tuesday was our North West Counties show at Bury Town Hall. The number of flowers were down but we saw dramatic increases in the Dahlias and Pot plants and Gladioli section whilst the Vegetable section was the same as last year. Barry Bickerdyke won the major prizes with 5x5 which included Wingfields Millenium and I've forgotten the other variety.
Back home I've got 75% of the plants under cover and I am just waiting for my son to put up the 8x6 on the standing ground that I cleared yesterday.

I have already had a bit damping on Shirley Sunburst and Trident but now that I have put the de-humidifier in I hope that I have stopped it.
I called to see Mick Graves on Saturday and his stuff looks okay and where I am running a little early Mick seems to be running a little late.

The Bar tops start next week with Denton on Tuesday and Dukinfield on Wednesday the following week it's Oldham on Tuesday and Scunthorpe on Wednesday. I am judging Dukinfield and Oldham.
Well that's all for now hopefully by next week I should have some photos on the Diary.


Blogger ALAN JEFFRIES said...

Hi Dave

Great your not having too many bad effects with the treatments, and sorry I have not been in contact sooner, time retired seem's to go quicker rather than slower! Our retiment bungalow development is taking more time up than we thought!

That said I should have been in touch sooner, the 10 varieties of cuttings I had from you are superb, photo's I will email you, not show winners at National but to us are real winners!
friends,familly,love my stems,stopping dates I don't keep but in future years will, lot's of mistakes this year, BUT after all your help with my problems last with rust last year, this year NOT A SIGN, even my late's are clear & looking superb, all down to YOU!

Speak to you soon,

Best regards


21 October 2009 at 00:02  

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