Saturday, 22 August 2009

18th August 2009

I have put all the Wingfields in the Greenhouse as can be seen from the picture. As far as watering is concerned I can manage the front two rows easily. For the back row I use a piece of guttering which I feed through to the back and then send the water down it. I have also put the Liverpool Festival in as well as the two Grace Holden that I am growing as earlies.If you go back to July 20th you will see Grace Holden in the Greenhouse. At the bottom of the diary there is a current picture of it. It is taking ages to come out.
As I have the earlies in the greenhouse it has given me a bit more space so the plants are 6 inches apart instead of the original 3 inches.
I have secured the buds on David McNamara Yellow Charles Tandy Yellow Kay Woolman Amber Olwyn Trident Shirley Sunburst and Candy Wingfield.
Last night I sprayed with Systhane and Decis as part of my spraying programme.
In addition to the chrysant picture I have also put on my Begonias and a fushia called Nelly Nuttall.


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