Tuesday, 4 November 2008

3rd November 2008

The talk that I gave at Southowram went off okay. There were probably about 25 people there and it was the first time that I had done a power point presentation.
John and I left home at 7.15 on Thursday night and arrived at Stafford at 8.50 with our six flowers. Actually we took nine so that we had a choice. It was however the only nine flowers that were ready. I spent the next hour and a half dressing the Olwyn and then half an hour doing the same to a Woolmans Venture. We left at 11.15 and got home at 12.45.
I decided not to go to Hebden Bridge as I wouldn't have been able to see the show or my flowers as I was down at Stafford.
I was up bright and early on Friday as I was judging at Middleton at lunch time.
It was a good show with more entries than last year. The winners can be found in the photos section of the diary.
On Saturday I picked John up for our journey to Stafford to see how we had done. We left at 10.15 but didn't arrive until 1.00 due to the amount of traffic on the M6. First port of call was our league entry but unfortunately we came 7th of 7.However there wasn't much between the scores, we got 467 with the winners getting 492. The best back row was Ken Dear with Lundy at 90 we scored 80 and 79 with Trident. Interestingly all the back row were either Trident or the Lundy familly.The best in the middle row was a Dynasty grown by Mr Rudge which got 87.We scored 84 and 70 with Olwyn and Woolmans Venture respectively. The best in the front row was a Kay Woolman grown by A.Roben. It received 88 whilst ours got 84 and 70 with Kay Woolman and Fairweather.Apart from Johns Fairweather all the other were from the Kay Woolman family.
On the photos section you will find the individual winning section blooms along with Doug Ball,s 18 Mick Graves 9 mixed Large/ Mediums and Sowerby Bridges entry.
I am writing this just before I set off for North West Counties at Bury. Staging is Monday night 6.00 till 10.00 and Tuesday morning 8.00 till 12.00. Entries taken right up till 12.00 Tuesday. At the bottom of the diary is Grace Holden 15b which will be put out in 2010.


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