Wednesday, 15 October 2008

13th October 2008

As I said last week they are all tucked up in the greenhouses and they are beginning to look quite reasonable.
Two more bar top shows this week one at Oldham on Tuesday night at the White Hart Hollins Rd Hollins starting at 8.30 and I am judging. I am hoping to take along a Bill Holden to show them. The other show is at Scunthorpe on Wednesday. I am taking Roger and John but no flowers apart from Bill Holden again to show them. We go early and stop at Carvers in Ashby for fish and chips. They are excellent.
On Thursday night Sowerby Bridge have their show meeting at the Cons club in Ripponden.
Last Saturday Trish and I went to a dinner at Harrogate in recognition of Gerald Avison. The meal and the company were excellent. There were nearly 70 people there.

The pictures this week are Trident Fairweather Amber Olwyn and Primrose Charles Tandy.


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