Wednesday, 3 September 2008

1st September 2008

Just back from a week in Majorca no more trips away till February. John again looked after the plants for me.
I rang him from Majorca and he told me that he had seen some white rust on Lowy West Brom and Wingfield and the Wingfields in the greenhouse were spotting so I spent a couple of hours yesterday pulling out damp petals. I haven't done anything about the white rust, apart from picking off the affected petals, as it hasn't stopped raining for long enough.
Rogers has gone away for two weeks so I am looking after his plants as well as my own.
I judged at Timperley on Saturday and the pictures of the show can be seen on the Show Section of the diary.
Anyway back to business with regards to my plants.
I have taken buds on the following this week
Shirley Sunburst,Olwyn,Roy Copland,Kay Woolman, Primrose Charles Tandy,Mundial,Pelsall Imperial and Sam Vinter.
I have taken down to 2 on Shirley Sunburst,Kay Woolman,Roy Coopland,Olwyn and Primrose Charles Tandy.
I have got colour on William Turner.

Yellow John Wingfield 5 weeks after colour show.


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