Monday, 18 August 2008

18th August 2008

Back home again after 10 days in Cornwall where the weather was poor but John tells me it was the same here as he only watered once whilst I was away.
As the feed is diluted in the water it means that they have had very little. So on Friday they all got either a teaspoon of Chempak no 1 or 2 dry.

Buds have been taken on Luxford,Primrose Fairweather,David McNamara,Yellow and Amber Olwyn and Trident.
Kay Woolman and David Mc have been taken down to 3 whilst the Olwyn's have been taken down to 2.

I judged the local show at Southowram on Saturday and the winners can be seen in the Photos section.
Other photos:
^Wingfields and Liverpool Festival in the Greenhouse
^The Xants on the standing ground
^Progression of the Yellow Wingfield since it cracked the calyx


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hello Dave,
Its your bestest son in law's sister!! what a brilliant site well done its very informative. Just one thing though...There is no information on how to nurture a sister in law and brother!!

23 August 2008 at 21:37  

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