Tuesday, 23 September 2008

22nd September 2008

Back in business again after a few hiccups.
Adam, my webmaster, has been on holiday and when he came back my computer packed up but he managed to fix it yesterday.

On Saturday 6th September I judged at Audenshaw and Haughton Green. Neither show had a lot to judge as it turned out that Thameside Borough had decided to put on a show the same weekend.

However the hospitality was as good as ever. I gave Roy Longden the Silver medal at both shows for his sprays.Pictures are on the Show section.

Our local Horticultural show was also held on the 6th and I put some poms in and 3 flowers in a class for 3 separate blooms. My mate John has had a monopoly on this particular class for a number of years, In fact I won it in its inaugural year and John won to for the next 15 years and yes you've guessed it I won it with a gladioli a pom dahlia and a chrysanthemum.

On Saturday 13th September I found my way on the M62 heading towards Hull. Bill Wade had to cry off at the last minute as he is very very poorly. It was purely a Chrysant show and the quality was very good as were the fish and chips kindly supplied by the Society. Again the pictures are in the Show section.

On Monday night and all day Tuesday I was at Bury for the North West Counties show. Considering that I sent out 100 letters to Societies from the Scottish border down to South Wales it was disappointing that not one Society showed their face. We were left with 3 Societies for the league. As at Harrogate the previous weekend Denton came away with the £100 first prize. I don't know what one can do to generate a bit more interest. Answers on a postcard to.......

I entered the 5x3 for the first time. I started of with 5 different colours of Wingfield from Barry Bickerdyke back in the Spring. I housed 10 flowers of each with the intention of going in the 5x5 but as I said in the last Diary they started spotting. I cut them on the Monday morning but by the time I had put a lot in the bin I was left with 4x3 as none of the Honey were ready. I finished up putting in 3 Liverpool Festival and to my surprise I finished 2nd to Barry.

Since my last diary I have sprayed twice for Rust and once for Mildew and caterpillars. I have also washed the muslin in the Greenhouse. Why is it never as long when you want to put it back up again.
The greenhouse is starting to fill up as I have got colour on
David Mc, Bill Holden, Luxford & Trident.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Great to have you back online, I will eventually send you some photo's of my crops, not for showing!

24 September 2008 at 00:54  
Blogger ALAN JEFFRIES said...

Now a Google on line, as sent as anonymous, great to have you back online to read your site, as per my phone call, my 600 plants are noe indoors, but alot of rust, pictures will follow shortly

Thanks for ringing, plus all your help, have joined xant Society and orderdered books because of you, just keeep weekly updating your site!



24 September 2008 at 01:03  

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