Monday, 7 July 2008

7th July 2008

If you recall in last weeks diary I wrote about spraying for white rust. At the Northern Group meeting on Saturday we were chatting about spraying and it was mentioned that you should only spray with Amistar no more than once every six weeks so I am going to revise my programme.

The laterals on the Primrose West Broom are starting to grow away and at the moment appear to be Rust free.

I am catching 2 or 3 earwigs each day at the allotment but none at home yet
With all the rain that we have had at the weekend the slugs have helped themselves to a lot of the laterals on the sprays. they were growing so well as well.
75% of the Wingfields have had the bud taken but as yet there is no sign in the Liverpool Festivals.

The leaf counts that I did last Thursday suggest that I may be up to a week later this year than last.

I have started feeding some Bill Holden, Shirley Sunburst,and Olwyn family and all the Primrose Charles Tandy and Primrose West Brom.Depending upon how often I watered in the last couple of years determines whether they get 1/2 or 1/3 strength of Chempak 20-20-20 at every watering. A couple of years ago I went and bought some plastic dustbins and they hold 16 gallon so one dustbin get 141/2 scoops whilst the other get 9.

I also top dressed Luxford using the same mix as I used for the finals.


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