Wednesday, 2 July 2008

1st July 2008

The rust is getting worse. I have stripped the leaves off the Primrose West Brom but I have found some more on the Olwyn family. I sprayed twice last week with Amistar and once this week so far.
Last week on Thursday we had rain like I have never seen before. It was continuous for 5 hours so that does not help with the rust. As from this week I am going to spray on a 3 weekly cycle of Sythane Dithane and Amistar.
I gave my Twyford Gold its 2nd stop this week so all have been stopped.
I started feeding today (Tuesday )Wingfield Masons Bronze and Liverpool Festival with Chempak no 1 dry feed at 1 level teaspoon per week. Trident and Luxford got Ivor Maces feed of 8 parts Vitax Q4 1 part Sulphate of Ammonia and 1 part Ammonium Nitrate again at 1 teaspoon a week
On Thursday I start leaf counting for the year.


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