Monday, 23 June 2008

23rd June 2008

I admired the plants at home last Tuesday and the ones at the allotment today Monday. As can be seen from the photo all the plants are tied staked and vee clipped.

The winds of the weekend did not do me any favours but I only lost one - yes you've guessed it Harry Tolly. One of the 3 that we are having as a Special Class at our show. I also lost a couple of laterals from Pelsall Imperial. I never learn as i know that it is prone to excess water which slices the lateral horizontally.

I can just see the buds in the bottom of some of the Wingfield family so things are starting to move at a pace.
Trying to remember to Black Out the hybridising plants is a problem , I have missed twice in the last week, so I have got my daughter to put the alarm on my phone for 5.30 to help.
I have seen some White Rust on my Primrose West Brom so I sprayed with Amistar ( 1 ml to 1 litre) this morning in the hope that I can catch it before it spreads to the rest.
How times change, I can remember when is was a notifiable disease and the plants had to be burnt!
(pic to follow...)


Anonymous Anonymous said...

hi dave

24 June 2008 at 20:13  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


24 June 2008 at 20:27  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

hi dave

25 June 2008 at 09:17  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Dave

Thanks for all your help over this past month,I am now trying to see if this comment comes up for you to see!


Alan Jeffries

27 June 2008 at 00:34  

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