Wednesday, 5 December 2007

3rd December 2007

Went over to see Mick Graves for a couple of hours on Tuesday. He has already got plenty in rooting for next year.
It was the lecture by Ian Moss on Saturday.A very enjoyable afternoon with 45 stalwarts turning up to hear him.
There doesn't appear to be a magic secret just attention to detail and thinking about what you are aiming for and doing things when they need doing.
I think that we can look forward to a quite period till just after Xmas when it all starts again.
I have put 4 pictures in the photo section for this weeks diary showing the state of my greenhouses as of today December 3rd.
Three of the pictures show the amount of flowers that I still have with the fourth showing the cut down stools. I am a very popular guy with the neighbours at the moment with all the flowers to give away.
Next week I will probably cut them all down, put up the staging and replant the stools ready for the influx of cuttings.


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