Monday, 19 November 2007

19th November 2007

Last Wednesday night I went to Mirfield and it turned out ot be a good show with plenty of high class flowers. Peter Robinson took both the Silver and Bronze medals with two seperate vases of White Fairweather. He grows the Fairweather family consistently well and would more than hold his own at the National.My 3 entries took a 1st 2nd and 3rd they being Amber Olwyn Mundial and Sheila Coles.
Thursday night John and i went to Markham Grange Brodsworth to stage in preparation for the Northern Group Show on the Friday Saturday and Sunday.It turned out to be one of the best shows for a long time with more exhibits and exhibitors than has been seen for a number of years. At one stage there was a concern that they may be not enough bench space.I entered the Bill Stubbs which calls for 1 Large / Medium + any 3 from Sections 3 4/5 6 7 or 9.My Medium was a Lundy which was at least one week too early but when i cut it and turned it upside down it had a lot of damp petals in in but as it was the only one i had it had to go in. I pulled the damp petals out which made it even smaller. Considering that i was up against many of the top gowers i didn't fancy my chances.True to form I didn't get a look in.However our Society entry faired a lot better.After last years failure we got back to winning ways by taking the Leaugue by 16 points.

Do you remember 5 or 6 weeks ago I took a picture of 3 cultivars that we were going to follow through to fruition? Probably not but never mind. One of them was Yellow Olwyn and on Friday it got the medal for the Best Reflex /Intermediate in the League.

The Shows are nearly over for me. Only 2 left one is our bar top show on Tuesday at the Turnpike inn with the usual classes as well as pie and peas and quizzes so if you have anything left or just want a night out i will see you there.The last show is at Leeds paxton on Saturday where i will be judging. Ring Graham Wheatley on 01132563055 for details.


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